Who should fill this form?
- This form is to be filled out by companies (dealers/franchisee) giving authority to their Master Dealer to extract data out of ClickPOS
Your advantages
- As a dealer, one of your duties is to report to Master dealer on a regular basis. One of best features about ClickPOS is that this tedious work can be automated via the Master reporting on all dealers.
- The reporting can be streamlined so rather than you report to the Master, the Master would extract the reports from all dealers instantly.
- This reporting can include data such as Sales and stock data. The reporting can then be used for performance and evaluation purposes.
Data extraction
- The access to your system is read only. This means there is no ability for Master dealer to modify data.
How data is extracted
- The data is extracted via various reports. This means the master dealer does not login to your system. The reporting is available via separate login that allows master dealer to extract reporting from all dealers in one report.
Types of reports
- Mainly sale statistics and stock reports. The report types and formats can be requested from the master dealer
Master Dealer/Franchise Details
You give authority to following company to access your system
Company Name
Authorised Person Name
Service Agreement
This document outlines our service commitment to you and your master dealer in respect of the arrangements and authority given to your master dealer or master franchisor to enable the extraction of data from your ClickPOS System. It sets out your rights, our commitment to you and your responsibilities to us together with where you should go for assistance.
How to Contact us:
Enquiries: Direct all enquiries to us. You may contact us as follows:
Tel: +61 3 9092 5300 Email:
help@clickpos.comMail: 215 Rouse Street, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 AUSTRALIA
Your rights:
Changes to the arrangement: If you require to stop the access given to the Master Dealer, then please specify in writing to us at above email.
How this effect your ClickPOS licence
The Master Dealer will extract the required reporting at any stage without affecting your licence count.
You are not required to disclose your usual user login and password to the Master Dealer. Master Dealer will access the system via a centralised login
separate to yours.
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Who should fill this form?
- This form is to be filled out by companies (dealers/franchisee) giving authority to their Master Dealer to extract data out of ClickPOS
Your advantages
- As a dealer, one of your duties is to report to Master dealer on a regular basis. One of best features about ClickPOS is that this tedious work can be automated via the Master reporting on all dealers.
- The reporting can be streamlined so rather than you report to the Master, the Master would extract the reports from all dealers instantly.
- This reporting can include data such as Sales and stock data. The reporting can then be used for performance and evaluation purposes.
Data extraction
- The access to your system is read only. This means there is no ability for Master dealer to modify data.
How data is extracted
- The data is extracted via various reports. This means the master dealer does not login to your system. The reporting is available via separate login that allows master dealer to extract reporting from all dealers in one report.
Types of reports
- Mainly sale statistics and stock reports. The report types and formats can be requested from the master dealer
Service Agreement
This document outlines our service commitment to you and your master dealer in respect of the arrangements and authority given to your master dealer or master franchisor to enable the extraction of data from your ClickPOS System. It sets out your rights, our commitment to you and your responsibilities to us together with where you should go for assistance.
How to Contact us:
Enquiries: Direct all enquiries to us. You may contact us as follows:
Tel: +61 3 9092 5300 Email:
help@clickpos.comMail: 215 Rouse Street, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 AUSTRALIA
Your rights:
Changes to the arrangement: If you require to stop the access given to the Master Dealer, then please specify in writing to us at above email.
How this effect your ClickPOS licence
The Master Dealer will extract the required reporting at any stage without affecting your licence count.
You are not required to disclose your usual user login and password to the Master Dealer. Master Dealer will access the system via a centralised login
separate to yours.